What is PAMM?

Percent Allocation Management Module, PAMM is the module of management of percentage distribution

It is an investment service which gives the chance to investors to earn, without trading on Forex themselves, and to the managing director — to get additional profit for management of funds from investors.

On the legal essence, the PAMM-account is one of forms of trust management of the integrated property of several principals.

It works in the following way:

The managing director opens the trading account, makes his own investments, and also establishes an amount of commission from the got profit. Remuneration will be recieved only in case of profit! Important that the trader risks by trading as well his own money.

The investor, having estimated quality of trade and results of this or that managing director, joins his pamm-account.  The profit and losses from trade in the managing director share in proportion to the enclosed share of each investor.

We recommend PAMM accounts of traders of PrivateFX